The new seasons of “Animando” – They start with blue – La Nazione

Among the news the artistic director, Stefano Teani. First event on February 11 with “Remember to live”


It starts with great news the new season of concerts 2023of centro di promozione musicale Animando, that has appointed for the first time ad artistic director. «We chose Stefano Teani – announces the president Paolo Citti -, an excellent young musician from Lucca who studied in Istituto Boccherini and is well-known for his work as pianist, composer and conductor». When he was just 22 years old Riccardo Muti chose him for his Italian Opera Academy, he’s composer in residence in the Accademia di Montegral of Gustav Kuhn (of which is also personal assistant). He works regularly in Tiroler Festspiele Erl in Austria as cover and assistant conductor and, in 2020, he founded the Orchestra Sinfonica della Versilia. He’s author of the book L’Epoca dell’Essere, la musica del mondo nuovo – Felici Editore, he’s also passionate popularizer, as you can see from his podcast Ginger Classics – Aperitivi Musicali. The young Director chose a relevant artistic anniversary for 2023 to “chart the route” of the season: 50 years from Pablo Picasso’s death. This is how Maestro Teani explains the theme of the season: “I’ve chosen for the 2023 season an emblematic motto: “wash the dust away”, taken from the famous quote from Picasso: «Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life». To do so, Animando dose’t just gives less ordinary concerts (both for programs and instruments) but also aims to create valuable collaborations».

As for the creative “seasons” of Picasso, Animando will be “Blue” from January to April, will be Pink from May to August, Cubed from September do December. The first period will present smaller events, chamber music and more reflexive. In the second one there will be the orchestra concerts and new formats, fresher, to entertain and popularization. In the last one the most surprising events will take place, also in less ordinary locations. The first one will be in Real Collegio on Saturday February 11 at 5 p.m. with Remember to live, Carnival Edition with Martina Di Riccio, Gianpaolo De Francesco (Dancers), Luigi Gargano (Piano).